Monday, September 26, 2016

First week in the UAE

My first week here was definitely one for the books! Between getting acquainted with my new job, moving to a new country, and discovering a whole new culture - I have been very busy! 

The first part of the week was mostly going over what was to be expected as a field engineer - aka long hours, harsh weather conditions, awesome learning experience! 

Safety was also a big topic - I thought a funny saying was "You're with SLB now, that means your blood is blue. We don't want to see any red!" It is nice to know that safety is taken so serious in an industry that can definitely be dangerous. 

If I haven't mentioned already, one of my favorite things about this place are the drink machines! There are these vending machines that give out FREE HOT CHOCOLATE or coffee - all around campus! It is amazing. Truly amazing. 

We have started learning in the workshop - which means I get to look fabulous in my PPEs! 


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