Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The calm before the storm.

While this past week has been filled with many tests (which I am proud to say I did exceptionally well on all of them), next week is going to be absolutely crazy! 

But for now, I am going to sit and enjoy the little things. Like my cozy bed and comforting tea! 

I also enjoyed some nice retail therapy! We went to Yas Mall and I went into total tourist mode! 

There was a boutique named after me - it was very classy and chic. ;)

We also went grocery (re: candy) shopping! 
Ketchup chips. Yuck. 

Nutella aisle. With giant tubs of Nutella. They made up for the ketchup chips. 

Sorry Austin, I found my true love. GIANG BOTTLES OF HERSHEY CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the ever-present random pictures of the most weird things. 

Now to prepare for the crazy week ahead! 



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