Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The beginning of something good...

Or incredibly exhausting and sweaty...but mostly good. I'm not sure...I think I'm getting cabin fever! 

Seriously though, this week has been a blast! We are doing our first logging in the logging units - running in tools, controlling the winch, acquiring data in real time, and then editing that data to meet the client demands. 

We have had a couple of late nights..
Most of us like to study together in the classroom - it's always better to suffer together! :p

We have fun too! When it's someone's birthday we all sing in our respective languages (there are people from all over the world)! 

I don't think I look too bad in blue...although the 100 degree weather makes things a little disgusting (re: a LOT disgusting). 

Oh, and when it's 1am and your editing logs...superhero socks are a must!

 My hot chocolate addiction has grown - if that was even possible. I'm glad it's free...but it would be really nice if they put a limit on it for those of us with no self control! 

The laundry service and room cleaning is amazing - I love having my bed made every morning. What am I going to do when I go to California and have to start being responsible again?! 

 Back to the grind. :)

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