Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Week 0!!

Hello friends!

As a way to keep everyone updated, I plan on writing blog posts every so often.  I am about to start my adventure to Abu Dhabi - I have my passport ready, all the forms filled out, and the flights are booked! Now to just try and fit a couple months worth of clothing in a suitcase...or two.

I officially start my journey by flying to Houston for an orientation day, then I head to the Middle East. I will be there for two months, and then I will be traveling to California! 

(I will be in the very middle...for like 18 hours...yuck!!!) 

While I am nervous to be traveling out of the country for the first time, I am SO excited about all the wonderful opportunities in store for me. 

I have one more week here in the US, and I plan on doing as much fun stuff as possible - favorite foods, zoo, lots of games. 

Catch back with me next week! 

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